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Apple TV: Set up WLAN - get connected

If you want to download and install more apps for your Apple TV from the App Store, you need an internet connection. For this, you must first set up your WLAN on the Apple TV. This can be done when you start using the device or afterwards.

How to set up Wi-Fi on your Apple TV

With the Apple TV, you can stream content from your iPhone or iPad to your TV. You can also download and install other applications via the built-in App Store. However, for this to be possible, it is necessary to connect to the Internet. This is done, for example, by setting up the WLAN.
  1. Before you connect your Apple TV to the Internet, connect it to a power outlet. Start the device and thus the Apple TV setup.
  2. Follow the instructions until you select the configuration method.
  3. Here you have the option to apply the WLAN settings automatically by selecting "Configure with Device" or select "Configure Manually".
  4. With "Configure with Device", connect the Apple TV to an iOS device. Then follow the on-screen instructions on the device to automatically apply your Apple ID and Wi-Fi settings.
  5. On the other hand, if you choose "Configure Manually," follow the instructions on your TV. Auch hier müssen Sie Ihre Apple-ID eingeben und werden dazu aufgefordert, Ihr WLAN-Netzwerk auszuwählen und das entsprechende Passwort einzugeben.

By Scarlet Siraj

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