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Mac: Insert watermark in Pages

The Pages program is already pre-installed on every Mac. With the software you have the possibility to design documents according to your wishes. These include resumes, posters, books, reports and essays. If you want to mark your documents, insert a watermark.

How to insert a watermark in Pages

If you want to mark your documents, this is possible with a watermark. Most writing programs offer you the appropriate function. In Pages, there is no direct watermark function, but you have another way to protect your document.
  1. First, insert the text or image in your document that you want to use as a watermark.
  2. Place it where you want and click "Format".
  3. Make sure that you have selected the watermark. At the side menu, click on the "Style" tab.
  4. Set the desired transparency here using the "Opacity" slider.
  5. Then, at the top of the menu bar, select the "Arrange" item and then go to "Section Templates".
  6. Here, select the "Move object into section template" option. Anschließend wird Ihr Wasserzeichen auf dem ganzen Dokument angezeigt.

So bearbeiten Sie ein Wasserzeichen in Pages

  1. Gehen Sie auf „Anordnen“ > „Abschnittsvorlagen“ > „Vorlagenobjekte auswählbar machen“.
  2. Anschließend haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihr Wasserzeichen nach Ihren Wünschen zu bearbeiten.

By Oswell

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