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PC crashes and restarts - what you can do

You need your PC for almost every task nowadays. However, as with any technical device, errors and problems can occur from time to time. If your PC crashes and then restarts, this can have numerous causes. However, you have several possible solutions.

What you can do if your PC crashes and then restarts

You may encounter problems while using your computer from time to time. Since these have different causes, it is usually difficult to find the error right away. Again, if your PC suddenly crashes and then restarts, you can try different methods to fix the error.
  1. To find out what caused the error, open the Event Viewer.
  2. To do this, press the key combination "Windows key" + "R" and type "eventvwr.exe" in the text box. In many cases, you will find the cause of the problem in the last entry.
  3. In addition, install all updates to your drivers for the hardware. Outdated software can also cause errors.
  4. Measure the temperature of your hardware, such as the motherboard. If parts overheat, it can cause your computer to crash. Erweitern Sie Ihren Computer unter Umständen durch weitere Kühlungen.
  5. Auch das Netzteil kann fehlerhaft sein und muss eventuell ausgetauscht werden.
  6. Sollte der Fehler nicht behoben werden oder können Sie keinerlei Ursache finden, dann kann ein Gang zu einem Experten sinnvoll sein.

By Fish Misemer

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