Valheim: How to get the bronze axe - all info
Of all the tools and weapons you can craft in Valheim, the bronze axe takes on a particularly important role. Our guide explains what is needed to build it and what possibilities follow from it.
Important tool: without a bronze axe, you will not get precious wood.
We have already explained here how to get bronze. For the bronze axe, this knowledge is indispensable.Valheim: Bronze axe as a prerequisite for precious wood
Once you take a bronze ingot in the inventory, you can build the bronze axe at the forge.- For this, 4 wood, 8 bronze ingots and 2 leather scraps are necessary.
- You should do this relatively soon, because the bronze axe is very valuable for various reasons.
- It represents namely in combat a clear increase to the flint axe.
- Furthermore, you can only with the bronze axe to mine precious wood by cutting birch and oak trees.
- In turn, you need precious wood for advanced products such as the carve.