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Android 9: remote control - this is how remote access is possible

If you want to maintain your own or a friend's smartphone from your computer, remote access is an option. To remotely control the smartphone, there are several options under Android 9. In most cases, you need another software on the PC and on the smartphone, such as "AirDroid".

This is how Android 9 lets you control your device remotely

If there is an error on your Android smartphone, you can alternatively access it via your computer. Remote access is achieved with additional software. Various programs are available for this, depending on the reason and how long you need to control the smartphone remotely.
  1. With TeamViewer QuickSupport, you can gain access to your system relatively quickly.
  2. For this, you must first download and install the QuickSupport app from the Google Play Store. You will also need the TeamViewer client on your computer.
  3. When you start the app on your smartphone, you will be shown a code. Diesen müssen Sie beim Client auf Ihrem Computer eintragen.
  4. Anschließend erhalten Sie vom PC aus Zugriff auf das Smartphone, insofern dieser vom Smartphone-Nutzer erlaubt wird.
  5. Bei der Verwendung der AirDroid-Software ist es ebenfalls notwendig, den entsprechenden Client sowohl auf dem Smartphone als auch auf dem Computer zu installieren.
  6. Starten Sie beide Anwendungen und folgen Sie den Anweisungen, um die Verbindung einzurichten.

By Elia Minifield

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