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Request Facebook data - how to get a summary

When you use Facebook, all your posts, "likes" and reactions, news profile information, and searches are collected and stored. If you would like to know what data has been collected from you, you can request and download a detailed summary through your account settings.

Requesting stored data from Facebook

You can request and view the data Facebook has collected about you. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Facebook website in your browser and log in with your login details.
  2. Click the arrow in the top right of the navigation.
  3. Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the settings, switch to the category "Your Facebook information".
  5. Click there at "Download your information" on "View".
  6. Now still specify the date range, format and quality of the media.
  7. Click "Create file". This process may take some time, depending on the amount of data. Once the file is created, it is ready for download in the tab "Available files".

Individualize dataset

If you are only interested in certain data, you do not necessarily have to download the entire dataset. Facebook offers you the option to select in advance in the "Download your information" overview. This allows you to compile your data to include only the information you are interested in.

By Iphigeniah

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