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Excel: Fix 2 rows - these are the options you have

It is often not easy to keep track of large Excel documents in particular. However, Microsoft has equipped Excel with a number of features designed to help you do just that. Learn here how to fix two or more rows or columns in your Excel document.

How to fix the first two lines

If you want to fix the first two lines in your Excel file so that they are not lost even when scrolling, this is how it works:
  1. Start Excel and call the document in which you want to fix the first two lines.
  2. Select the third row and then switch to the "View" tab.
  3. Click "Fix Window" in the ribbon and select the "Fix Window" option.
The first two rows are now pinned to the top of your worksheet and will not be lost. Alternatively, you can use the Fix function to fix only the first row, column, or other selection you have made.

Unfix: How it works

If you want to unpin the rows or columns you have fixed, you must proceed in a similar way to Fix.
  1. Wählen Sie den Bereich aus, der nicht länger fixiert werden soll.
  2. Rufen Sie anschließend die Registerkarte „Ansicht“ auf.
  3. Klicken Sie im Menüband auf die Schaltfläche „Fenster fixieren“ und wählen Sie im Dropdown-Menü die Option „Fixierung aufheben“ aus.

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