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Excel: Fix multiple rows - how it works

By fixing some rows in Excel, you can always have them on top when scrolling. In many situations it is handy to have some rows always present for comparison or as a template. By fixing rows, you save yourself the endless scrolling.

How to fix multiple rows

Multiple rows can be fixed in Excel with just a few simple steps. Also, some adjustments are available to you by default.
  1. First open the table in which you want to fix some rows.
  2. Now mark them by clicking on the top left cell and then on the bottom right. Hold down [Shift] to make a selection across multiple rows.
  3. Now switch to the "View" tab and navigate further to "Fix Window".
  4. From the selection options, now click "Fix Window".
  5. As soon as you now scroll through the document, the selected cells will remain.

Excel: Select only the top row

  1. If you only want to fix the top row anyway, you do not even have to make a selection.
  2. Switch again to the View tab under the item "Fix window".
  3. Now, however, select "Fix top row".
  4. Über den gleichen Weg können Sie übrigens bereits fixierte Zeilen wieder lösen.
  5. Auch können Sie nachträglich noch mehrere Zeilen auswählen und über den Button „Fenster fixieren“ einfach mehrere Fenster zur Auswahl hinzufügen.

By Manheim

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