MHW Iceborne: These are the Guiding Lands - all the info
The Hoarfrost Range is the new area in Iceborne, but much of the real endgame takes place in the Guiding Lands. Our guide explains the special zone and why you'll spend hours there.
The full works: Farming, leveling and hunting in the Guiding Lands.
The Guiding Lands are called Leitlande in the German version, however the English name has also become established in the German-speaking community.MHW Iceborne: Guiding Lands as a starting point for the endgame
Access to the Guiding Lands is granted after you have played through the story of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.- The Guiding Lands are a zone that is divided into different biomes. These biomes correspond to the four original areas (Ancient Forest, Coral Highlands, Wild Tower Wasteland, and Valley of Decay). Only the home of the elders is not represented.
- Each of the individual sub-areas you can bring to a higher level (maximum 7). This is done by hunting monsters and collecting resources there.
- Higher levels mean better monsters and resources.
- This is necessary to get the materials for augmentations.
- With time you unlock monsters that you can call there if desired. In this way, a targeted approach is also possible.
- In addition, monsters are always running around in the area, randomly generated as in any normal zone.
- The levels of the biomes in the Guiding Lands are limited by your master rank: level 5 for the biomes you can only unlock from rank 50, level 6 from 70 and level 7 from 100.