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Fire TV: Set up VPN - these are your options

The Fire TV Stick is one of a popular tool that allows you to quickly stream videos, music, series and games to your TV. If you want to use the stick more securely, you need a VPN connection that makes it difficult for third parties to access your data. You can also bypass the country lock with VPN.

How to set up a VPN connection with the Fire TV Stick

With a VPN connection, you can not only bypass the country lock of some videos. You also use it to prevent third parties from accessing your data. You can also set up VPN with the streaming stick, but this requires a few steps.
  1. Keep in mind that setting up a VPN connection is not provided by Amazon and you can therefore only set it up in a roundabout way.
  2. Also keep in mind that some users of a VPN connection have already been blocked by Amazon, as it is not in the spirit of Amazon if you can also access US content.
  3. Möchten Sie dennoch eine VPN-Verbindung einrichten, dann geht dies über die Installation von Kodi auf Ihrem Fire TV.
  4. Viele Apps unterstützen die Software, weshalb dies die Handhabung vereinfacht.
  5. Ebenfalls möglich ist die Einrichtung eines virtuellen Routers, der wieder über eine VPN-Verbindung läuft.
  6. Beachten Sie, keine der Varianten ist sicherer als die andere. Bei beiden Varianten riskieren Sie es, von Amazon blockiert zu werden.

By Letta Ulysse

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