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Thunderbird: Request read receipt - how to do it

To ensure that your emails sent with Thunderbird actually reach the recipient, you can request a read receipt. To learn how to properly set up the appropriate feature in your email management program, check out this article.

Thunderbird: This is the purpose of requesting a read receipt

If you send an important e-mail and want to make sure that the recipient really received the message, it is worth requesting a read receipt. If you have activated the corresponding function, you will receive a notification as soon as the recipient has opened the e-mail. Please note that the receipt of the read receipt proves that the e-mail has arrived at the recipient, but this is no guarantee that he has really read the content of the e-mail.How to request a read receipt in Thunderbird If you use Thunderbird as a program for managing your e-mails, you can also set up a read receipt there.
  1. To do this, first open Thunderbird and click on the icon with the three dashes in the top right corner to open the menu.
  2. Select the "Settings" option from the menu and navigate in them to "Advanced".
  3. Thereupon a new window opens, in which you will find the button "Receipts..." in the tab "General".
  4. Klicken Sie diesen bitte an und setzen Sie einen Haken bei „Immer eine Empfangsbestätigung anfordern“.
  5. Sobald Sie mit „OK“ bestätigen, werden Ihre Änderungen übernommen und Sie erhalten ab jetzt für alle versendeten E-Mails eine Lesebestätigung.

By Egarton

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