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Virus Protection: Enable Windows Defender

Microsoft's Windows Defender is an antivirus software that comes natively with every Windows 10 version. It provides basic protection against all threats and is disabled as soon as you install any other antivirus software. Still, Windows Defender is not to be underestimated.

This is how to enable Windows Defender

Having disabled Windows Defender because it prevented a program from running or consumed too many resources, you can easily re-enable it in the settings.
  1. Go to the settings by clicking on the Windows icon in the bottom left corner and then on the small gear. You can also use the Windows search and simply type in "Settings" and click on the appropriate app.
  2. In the category "Update and Security" you will find Windows Defender under the menu item "Windows Security".
  3. To do this, simply click on "Virus and Threat Protection" and then on the left in the bar on "Home". Hier erhalten Sie eine Übersicht darüber, welche Antivirenprogramme auf Ihrem PC deaktiviert und welche aktiviert sind.
  4. Aktivieren Sie am besten alle Schutzmaßnahmen, damit Ihr PC optimal geschützt wird.

By Giana

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