Donkey Republic: In which cities is the bike rental available?
Donkey Republic is a bike rental of the very modern kind. You don't need anything more than your smartphone to spontaneously rent a bike on the go. Read about the cities where the service is available.
Europareise: Donkey Republic can be found in quite a few cities outside Germany.
Donkey is active worldwide and Germany is just one of many markets. For interested parties in this country, the overview of German cities is logically important.Donkey Republic: In these German cities you can find the bikes
In Germany, Donkey Republic (as of the end of 2020) is represented in four cities:- These are Berlin, Freiburg, Regensburg and Landshut.
- Since the company originates from Denmark, the distribution there is significantly greater, in addition to Copenhagen, there are the rental bikes in twelve other cities.
- Also strongly represented is Donkey in the Netherlands with nine cities, in Sweden with eight cities, in the United Kingdom with fourteen cities and in Finland with ten cities.