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Remove Bing from Firefox - how to do it

Microsoft uses Bing as a search engine in Internet Explorer by default. However, if you use Mozilla Firefox as your default browser, you may have accidentally installed Bing via a program. If this is the case, you need to remove the search engine from your browser.

How to remove Bing as a search engine from Firefox

Before you remove Bing search engine on Firefox, you should check whether Bing came into your system through an add-on and delete it from the PC or laptop if necessary.
  1. Then start Firefox on your PC and click on the three horizontal stripes at the top right of your browser.
  2. If the settings have opened, click on "Add-ons" in the list on the left.
  3. Now you will see all the add-ons that have been installed.
  4. Search for "Bing Search Engine". Once you have found the entry, click on the "Remove" button to the right of it to delete Bing.
  5. Restart Firefox to save the changes.

Firefox: Remove Bing as Start Page

If Firefox uses Bing as the start page, you can also change this directly in the browser. To do this, open the menu in Firefox and go to "General" > "Home Page" in the settings. To delete Bing, select the "Restore default" option or enter the URL of the page you want to use as the start page instead. Since there is no need to confirm the change, simply close the settings again.

By Bohlin Strothman

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