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eBay: Send payment information - submit data

On eBay, you can sell a wide variety of items and also put them up for auction. When a buyer has purchased your item, you should quickly send your payment information so that the buyer can make the payment. You can learn how to send this data in this article.

How to send your payment information

In order for the buyer to fulfill their part of the agreement, it is necessary that you send them the payment information.
  1. First, open the auction page after your listing has expired. You will need to use your PC for this, as this feature is not yet available in the app.
  2. You will see a button that says "Send payment information". Click this.
  3. Now you need to select the item for which you want to send the payment information.
  4. Before this is sent to the buyer, enter the details of packaging, shipping and payment methods.
  5. If you want to give the buyer a discount, you can also manually revise the payment information again.
  6. When you have entered all the data correctly, click on the button "Send payment information" and confirm this input again.

Be careful when sending the data

Even if it can be assumed that a buyer has positive intentions, you should look at the reviews in advance. Because with your data unauthorized people can buy on the Internet. Surely you get the money back, but this step is associated with a lot of effort and unnecessary hassle. Therefore, you should be careful with your private data.

By Bach Steagell

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