HOME > Online Shopping > Ebay Classifieds: Restore Expired Ad

eBay Classifieds: Restore Expired Ad

When you list a product on eBay Classifieds, you may let the ad expire or delete it. If you want to put the product online for sale again afterwards, you cannot restore the ad. In this case, you will have to create it again.

Restore expired ad on eBay Classifieds - is it possible?

On eBay Classifieds, you can offer various products for sale. If an ad has expired or deleted, other users can no longer see it. If you want to restore the ad, this is no longer possible. All expired and deleted ads will be removed permanently.
  1. If you would like to continue offering the product, you should already make sure to renew the ad in time. Otherwise, you will have to recreate it completely if you let the ad expire, but still want to sell the product.
  2. Alternatively, deactivate the ad. So you can activate it again afterwards.
  3. Another option is to create a copy of the ad. So können Sie auch bei Streitigkeiten mit dem Käufer immer wieder darauf zurückgreifen. eBay Kleinanzeigen empfiehlt, hierfür einen Screenshot zu erstellen oder die Anzeige abzufotografieren.
  4. Insgesamt ist es also empfehlenswert, die Anzeige so lange aktiv zu lassen, bis der Verkauf des Produkts vollständig abgeschlossen wurde.

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