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Netflix on PlayStation 4 - how to set it up

Netflix is, along with Amazon Prime Video, Maxdome and Sky, one of the most popular streaming platforms. The service offers various apps for different devices. The PS4 is no exception. Read here how to properly use Netflix on PS4.

How to install Netflix on PS4?

On all generations of PS4, Netflix can be installed. This is advantageous if you do not have a Smart TV and still want to stream easily on your TV. You can download the Netflix app from the Playstation Network Store. All you need is a Sony account.Open the Playstation Store on the PS4 and go to "Apps". In the "Movies & Series" category, you will find the Netflix app and can download it by selecting "Download". You can also use the search by selecting "Search" at the top of the bar.
  1. Once the installation is complete, the app will be in the "TV and Audio" section of the PS4.
  2. Start the app and log in with your Netflix user account.
  3. Use the X button to select a title and stream it. If you want to take a break, you can also pause the stream with the X button. With the circle button you go back and come at the end to the user overview.
  4. If you want to enjoy content in 4K quality, you need at least a PlayStation 4 Pro, a 4K TV and an Ultra HD subscription from Netflix. This is, at 17.99 euros, however, quite a bit more expensive than the other two subscription variants, which cost only 7.99 euros and 12.99 euros respectively.

By Alyse

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