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Linking Citavi to Word - how it works

To use the Citavi reference management program so that you can create a bibliography for a Word document, you must first link the programs. To do this, first open both the Word document and the Citavi project you are using. You can find out everything about the rest of the procedure in this article.

Linking Citavi with Word: this is what Citavi is used for

The Citavi program can be used for literature management, knowledge organization and task planning. Especially when creating extensive texts that contain many literature sources, the use of Citavi is useful, as it facilitates research and organization. If you use Citavi together with Word, the program also helps you to insert source references into the text and automatically creates a bibliography.

To link Citavi with Word

In order to create a bibliography in Word with the help of Citavi, it is first necessary to link the programs with each other. Please note that you can only link a Word document to one Citavi project at a time.
  1. To create the link between project and document, first open the document in Word that you want to use with Citavi or create a new document.
  2. Next, please start Citavi on your PC and open the project to be linked there.
  3. Wechseln Sie anschließend in Word zum Tab „Citavi“, klicken Sie dort auf „Aufgabenbereich“ und tippen Sie unter „Offene Projekte“ auf den Namen des Projekts.
  4. Um Ihr Word-Dokument zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt mit einem anderen Citavi-Projekt zu verknüpfen, klicken Sie bitte erneut auf den Tab „Citavi“ und gehen Sie dort zu „Projekt“ > „Anderes Projekt verknüpfen“, um ein neues Projekt auszuwählen.

By Christianson

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