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Fortnite: Change name - how it works

In Fortnite, unlike many other online games, you can constantly renew and change your name. Of course, you are subject to certain restrictions, such as the possible characters and the frequency of the name change. Otherwise, however, nothing stands in the way of the new identity.

Change Fortnite name: How it works on Epic Games

Since the game can only be launched through the Epic Games launcher and also uses the account associated with it, change your name for all other games as well.
  1. To change your name, you must first go to the Epic Games website and log into your account.
  2. Now hover your mouse over the username in the top right corner and then click on the "Account" sub-item.
  3. In the "Personal Details" section, you will see "Display Name".
  4. Click in the text field and change the name to your liking.
  5. To apply the changes, finally click on "Save changes".

Change Fortnite name on the different consoles

You can also change your name on the PS4, Xbox One or Switch. Here, however, your PSN name or Gamertag is used accordingly.
  1. On the PS4, this is possible via "Settings" > "Account Management" > "Account Information" > "Profile" > "Online ID".
  2. For the Xbox, on the other hand, you change the tag directly via the Xbox website. Log in there with your Microsoft account and select "Change Gamertag".
  3. If you use a Nintendo Switch, then you can adjust the name via the Epic Games website. Go to your account and select "Account" > "Personal Information" from the dropdown menu.

By Farny Spanier

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