IOS 10.3: from the weather in Maps to the iCloud, here are all the new features

Apple has released version 10.3 of iOS, missing for now the much-discussed "theater mode" that will probably be integrated later

Waiting for more news about the next iPhone 8, Apple continues to make people talk about itself thanks to the new update of its operating system. iOS in fact has arrived at its version 10.3, obviously still in beta phase. Let's see then all the improvements and features of the new release at home Apple.

The news coming to iPhone, iPad and iPod. Let's start by talking about the absence of the much-discussed "theater mode" on the new beta version of iOS. This is basically the function to disable any sound, including those of multimedia playback, when we are in public places, such as theaters or cinemas. Instead, the Apple profile will change. There will be a new section, at the top of the settings menu, which will serve to manage all the different accounts of iTunes, App Store and iCloud in a single solution. In a nutshell, it's an intuitive list of all the active Apple accounts on that particular device.

The improvements on iCloud

(Taken from YouTube)

Apple has improved its cloud storage service as it wants to push as many users as possible to use the extra paid space. In the new version of iCloud, it will be much easier to manage our storage space thanks to charts and statistics that help us understand what items are taking up our storage and how we should manage them. There will also be a small pop-up note for suggestions. At the moment it's used to warn all users who don't use two-factor authentication to do so. Ma in futuro verrà usata anche per altri suggerimenti.

iOS 10.3: il meteo nelle Mappe

Se utilizzate spesso le mappe Apple sarete contenti di sapere che ora queste integreranno anche il meteo del luogo selezionato. Le indicazioni fornite non riguarderanno solo la giornata ma ci verrà offerto un report dei futuri sette giorni. Anche se questa miglioria per il momento, secondo chi la sta provando, presenta ancora alcuni bug. Ci sarà inoltre anche una nuova funzione chiamata “Trova i miei AirPods”. Per ritrovare le vostre cuffie wireless Apple basterà accedere alla già esistente sezione “Trova il mio iPhone”, e qui si vedrà questa nuova voce. Non è ancora chiaro quando Apple rilascerà questa nuova versione. E sicuramente non mancheranno ulteriori modifiche. Sicuramente verrà integrata la “modalità teatro”. A Cupertino però vorrebbero presentare l’aggiornamento entro giugno.

i-phone-8-1.jpgFonte foto: handy abovergleich/

Premi sull’immagine per scoprire come sarà l’iPhone 8

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