IPhone 14 avrà uno schermo più sottile, ma più robusto

Da un brevetto depositato in America da Apple emergono le prime informazioni su come saranno gli schermi degli iPhone del futuro: probabile implementazione a partire da iPhone 14.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

Thinner screen but, at the same time, made following criteria capable of making it even more robust: this is probably how the display of the iPhone 14 will be, according to a new patent that has revealed a completely revolutionary technique developed by Apple for the screens of its flagship devices.

For Cupertino it is a long process, which has, however, already seen several steps forward compared to the past. Last in chronological order is the use of technology called Ceramic Shield. Introduced on the latest generation models, the iPhone 12 launched at the end of last year, this particular process involves the addition of nanoceramic crystals, with a hardness superior to most metals currently existing, which make the glass a real shield (hence the name) resistant to accidental bumps without going to affect in a serious way on the thickness of the device.

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Identified by the Apple Insider site within a patent filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the new manufacturing method has been dubbed "Insert molding around glass members for portable electronic devices".

In the documentation is described a structure made of glass, to be placed strategically between the screen and the body of the Cupertino smartphone, going to increase the strength of the container without compromising the overall size. This would go hand in hand with two probable solutions: very thin screen for thicknesses lower than the current ones or third dimension unchanged but with a greater ability to resist impacts. In both cases, the results appear extremely advantageous.

In the papers there are other details that highlight the possibility of shaping this insert, creating an element without visible joints between it and the screen. Resistance, then, and also design given the ability to integrate perfectly while maintaining the clean and elegant lines that have always characterized Apple's cell phone.

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Given the patent status, it could take years before we can see such a construction technology integrated. Experts consider highly unlikely its appearance on the apple phones of the 13 series, the next one on the way, but open - albeit with some reservations - to the debut in the next line, with iPhone 14 more durable and resistant over time.

Obviously, there remains the hypothesis that this is only a study, remaining in fact a detail on paper and skipping the realization. Certainly, if it turns out to be a winning choice, Apple will not miss the opportunity to score another coup: only the future will tell.