Cross-referenced research from British and Chinese universities has found that it is very easy to discover the unlock sequence on Android smartphones
How many attempts do you think it takes to unlock an Android smartphone protected by a lock sequence? The answer comes from cross-referenced research from a number of universities and it is worrying. It only takes a hacker five attempts to unlock your smartphone and gain access to your personal data.
The lock sequence is not secure. According to data collected by Lancaster University and the University of Bath (England), in collaboration with China's Northwest University, the lock sequence is not secure for Android smartphones. As mentioned, it only takes five attempts to take over the data and the device. Dalla ricerca si scopre che oltre il 40% degli utenti Android utilizza attualmente questa sequenza per salvaguardare lo smartphone da occhi indiscreti. Gli esperti però consigliano un PIN o la scansione delle impronte digitali come metodi più sicuri per la nostra privacy. Gli stessi ricercatori hanno detto che più è complessa la sequenza di blocco scelta, più è facile decifrarla.
Perché la sequenza di blocco non è sicura?
Fonte foto: Shutterstock
Se si vuole scoprire come mettere al sicuro il proprio smartphone Android da malware e hacker, cliccate sull’immagine
Uno dei primi motivi per cui la sequenza di blocco non è sicura è dato dal fatto che è troppo visibile. An attacker could spy on us and discover it, or in a more elaborate way he could film us and then use a software capable of reproducing the right combination by integrating the position of our fingers and their movements on the device's display. The research shows that this scenario is not unlikely. Software processes movements even if they are filmed from two and a half meters away. And in crowded spaces like subways or public offices, it's not easy to realize you're being filmed. In addition, this technique is widely used by smartphone thieves before taking possession of other people's devices. Out of 120 devices analyzed, this technique worked in 95% of the cases.
How to defend yourself from hacker attacks
Clicking on the following links, instead, you can discover tips, some more technical others more within everyone's reach, regarding computer security and discover the most common types of attacks: from DDoS attacks to phishing, passing through botnets. Inoltre, troverete suggerimenti per proteggere il vostro smartphone.
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