Who writes on Tellonym: how to discover anonymous

The strength of the app Tellonym is precisely the ability to remain anonymous in the answers, but there is a way to find out who writes: here's what it is

Tellonym is the platform that allows you to send questions anonymously to users. Appreciated by young people, this social network has as its strong point the ability to interact with members without having to show the name of the sender of the messages. Are there methods to find out who writes? Let's find out together.

The system of questions and answers used by Tellonym, inherited from previously existing platforms such as Sarahah and AskFm, has been a huge success thanks to the integration of anonymity as a feature of main interest among its members. In fact, it's possible to send any kind of question - obviously without exceeding the limits imposed by the service's usage policies - without necessarily having to reveal one's identity. That's why on the network have appeared some tricks to be able to trace who writes, if not infallibly at least making sure to narrow the number of "suspects".

Tellonym, how to find out who writes

The most accurate method to find out who writes on Tellonym, although not 100% sure, is one that provides an analysis of the questions received. In fact, if the text of the Tell emerge particular characteristics (construction of sentences that remind someone specific, local expressions or references to things or people known) you can make a first skim among the candidates of the group.

If several elements lead back to a person, it is possible that this is the one who sent the question anonymously. The same goes for reactions to answers, especially if they are formulated to seem vague or provide misleading information. In fact, in front of an incomplete or untruthful answer, the sender may decide to proceed with the sending of further Tell, thus falling into the trap.

The important thing, in this case, is not to exaggerate. In fact, if the attempt to discover the identity becomes evident, the person could decide to interrupt the flow of requests, screwing up the whole "investigation". Therefore, it is essential to proceed step by step and with lead feet

Tellonym, programs and add-ons

If this path does not suit you, you may need (or rather want) to rely on programs that promise to do the dirty work for you. Beware, however: these services, as well as the apps themselves, do not work (Tellonym's system was developed precisely to avoid such information leaks).

Moreover, by providing these apps with your data and credit card number you are giving strangers extremely important personal information. Even if they are paid or have positive reviews, avoiding registration and saving a few bucks can be good for your wallet as well as your privacy.

And, in case of insults or threats, you can always write to the helpline instead of trying to figure out who the culprit is. Tellonym can in fact act in a targeted manner, proceeding to permanently block access to the platform to the offender on duty.