How Tellonym works, the app that allows you to send anonymous messages

Tellonym is a social network where you can ask questions, and give answers, completely anonymously. That's why young people like it so much.

Tellonym is one of the apps that is making a name for itself among those dedicated to young people. The social platform is characterized by a formula already seen in the past, that is, the one that allows users to receive anonymous messages and questions, which the recipient can answer directly from his profile.

The application is not exactly recent, since it made its appearance in 2016, but only recently has managed to carve out a place for itself among the net users belonging to lower age groups, especially among adolescents. The way it works is easily guessed already by analyzing the name, a cross between the English words Tell, say, and anonym, anonymous. Similar to what happened a few years ago with and Sararah, you just need to sign up to the platform to create an account and start a completely anonymous chat, in which to exchange messages on a wide variety of topics and interests.

How Tellonym works

The first step to use Tellonym is, of course, to download the application. The app is available for free on the App Store and Google Play, for devices running iOS and Android, respectively. Next, you can create a profile to start interacting with a vast number of users already on the platform.

To register, the user must confirm that he or she is over 17 years old; once the password is created, he or she can choose to find his or her first friends among the contacts on the smartphone, share the profile on the main social networks or perform a targeted search on the name. Upon completion of the operation, you can continue with the navigation or proceed with an update of your personal page.

Sending the first question, or tell as it is called on the platform, simply tap on the icon at the bottom dedicated and proceed with the message that, by choice of the sender, can be sent either anonymously or with his name. In case the sender's username is present, the recipient can decide to make it visible in the reply on his profile.

Each tell can be sent immediately or delayed in time, from 5 minutes to 8 hours. Once received, the recipient is notified and can decide whether or not to respond. Don't worry if you're just starting out: a bot helps break the ice while you're waiting for your first contacts, sending you questions to post so you can get to know your users better.

Tellonym, how it protects users from cyberbullying

In Tellonym, there are some controls that allow you to limit the potential risks of contact with strangers. Among these, there are filters for the language, in which you can set words deemed offensive according to your sensitivity, the ability to enter a security code and use a mechanism to block unwanted contacts particularly rich in options.

At the previous methods, then, we add the option that allows you to interact only with registered users (it is in fact possible, at the discretion of the user, to receive tell even from non-members) and take advantage of a reporting system for messages deemed offensive or dangerous. Last but not least, is the feature that allows you to delete your account, requesting the removal of all personal data from the platform's database.