Jamboard, the six thousand euro whiteboard made by Google

Touchscreen and with a 55-inch screen, connected in the cloud and equipped with camera and speakers, ideal for teamwork in large companies

Google takes the field, or rather the office. The U.S. company has announced, in fact, its new next-generation whiteboard designed specifically for the office. Jamboard is a digital screen for companies connected to the cloud that adds to the many services designed by Google for the business market.

What is Jamboard and how it works.

Jamboard is a 55-inch digital whiteboard. Obviously touchscreen and equipped with Android system. It includes a camera and speakers. It can be mounted on a wall or rotate around a custom support also designed by Google. With Jamboard we can doodle, write, import documents on Google Docs, search on a mini-browser or hear from colleagues via Hangout. Ogni lavoro verrà conservato su Google Drive. Le squadre di lavoro che hanno più Jamboard possono lavorare contemporaneamente allo stesso progetto. Entrerà in mercato dall’anno prossimo e costerà poco meno di 6mila dollari.

Aumentare il concetto di lavoro di squadra

jam.jpgFonte foto: Google

La lavagna made in Google

Jamboard potrà essere collegato con un app dedicata, per iOS e Android, a i tablet. In modo che anche chi non possiede una Jamboard possa collaborare al progetto mostrato sulla lavagna digitale. Google ha testato il suo nuovo progetto con oltre 30 team di grandi aziende, tra le quali anche quelli di Spotify e Netflix. L’idea di Google è quella di dedicarsi al mercato delle medie e grandi realtà con software e hardware in grado di rimodellare il concetto di innovazione, di lavoro di squadra e cambiare le classiche riunioni. And above all to compete with Microsoft and Apple in the sector. Gmail and the various Google services for businesses in this sense will help the development of tools similar to Jamboard at Mountan View. During the Jamboard launch conference the digital whiteboard still showed some lag in some tasks but overall it seemed very functional. Although some people criticized the overly bright display, which can fatigue the eyes in the long run.

(The video in the opening Introducing Jamboard is taken from YouTube)

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