Lodovica Comello canta la sigla di Ridley Jones: La paladina del museo

La cantante e conduttrice Lodovica Comello canterà la sigla della nuova serie Netflix per bambini. Ecco tutti i dettagli


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Una grande voce italiana nella nuova serie animata Netflix Original: lei è Lodovica Comello e canterà per il nuovo contenuto per bambini Ridley Jones: La paladina del museo, composto da sei episodi e disponibile da martedì 13 luglio sulla piattaforma di streaming, in Italia e in tutti i Paesi in cui il servizio è attivo.

It will be a magical and fun preschool series, designed to entertain the audience of young children, who during summer vacations and school break will be able to have fun with a new little heroine. She is Ridley Jones, a six-year-old girl who lives a magical and sensational life inside the Museum of Natural History, the most beautiful place where every child would like to live. The title is created by Chris Nee, author also of other big hits for children such as Dottoressa Peluche and Vampirina. Lodovica Comello will contribute to the story, singing the Italian version of the series' theme song.

Ridley Jones: The Museum's Paladin: The Plot

The Netflix animated series Ridley Jones: The Museum's Paladin tells the story of Ridley, a friendly and lively six-year-old girl who lives with her mother and grandmother in the Museum of Natural History. Every night, when the doors close and the space empties, everything comes to life: from elephants to Egyptian mummies. Ridley, then, takes charge and becomes the museum's champion. She's the one who takes care of the ancient artifacts and artifacts, she protects the people who live there, and she always tries to find common ground between everyone, despite the differences.

While waiting for the series to be released on streaming, within the Netflix Jr. Youtube channel. Youtube channel, you can watch the first two episodes, which allow children to live a preview in the world of Ridley and his fantastic friends.

Lodovica Comello: all about the interpreter of the theme song

Lodovica Comello is one of the young Italian faces of the moment: actress, presenter, voice actor and singer. She became famous for her role in the international TV series for boys and girls entitled Violetta, produced by Disney Channel. But her career is really long, despite her young age.

As a voice actress, she interprets the Italian version of Britney Davis in "Monsters University" and Miki in the animated film "Smallfoot - My Snow Friend". But there are also experiences as a singer. But one of the most important experiences within the Italian television is surely the conduction of the show Italia's Got Talent.

In short, now we just have to wait for the TV series about Ridley Jones and discover the new theme song.