Napflix, the Netflix for insomniacs, lulls you with narcotic videos

From the professor who teaches Klingon to the video on cyclist Indurain's experience at the Giro di Italia, the site collects the most boring videos on YouTube

Can't sleep? No problem, YouTube's boring videos come to your aid. The website Napflix, which seems to follow the direction of the streaming platform Netflix, collects hours and hours of soporific images that promise to accompany you in the arms of Morpheus.

We must not exaggerate, however. According to some recent studies, staring at a screen before going to sleep could have the opposite effect. Back to Napflix. If lately you can't get to sleep easily, we suggest you to visit the website. There you can find a wide range of videos among those, let's say, less "exciting" present on YouTube. The videos are organized by category. Se ad esempio siete amanti della natura, e in modo particolare di quella sommersa, sulla piattaforma c’è un video lungo 3 ore che mostra centinaia di pesci che nuotano lentamente in un mare cristallino. Anche la musica è sufficientemente narcotica.

Suddivisi per argomento

napflix.jpgFonte foto: Redazione


Il sito, come anticipato, suddivide i video per argomento. Un’aria tematica particolarmente noiosa è quella dello sport. In questa sezione è possibile trovare un filmato dedicato al campione spagnolo Miguel Indurain e alla sua avventura al Giro di Italia del 1981. Vista la durata (siamo sulle due ore) è praticamente impossibile non addormentarsi. E se proprio non riuscite a chiudere le palpebre, è il caso che diate un’occhiata all’area “Education”. Among the videos there is a highly soporific one where a person, posing as a great linguist, tries to teach the imaginary language used in Star Trek: Klingon.

Interesting is also the section "Relax". Here, for example, you can see and hear the sound of rain from a window. The film, The sound of rain on a window, is more than two hours long. It's really hard not to fall asleep. If you've already watched all the videos, you might want to pop into the "New Content" area, where the platform publishes the latest boring collections. So all you have to do is to try and if you still can't fall asleep you should consult a specialist.

The video in the opening is taken from YouTube

Some of the videos in this section have been taken from the Internet, therefore evaluated in the public domain. If the subjects present in these videos or the authors have something against the publication, it will be enough to make a request of removal by sending an email to: [email protected]. We will delete the video in the shortest time possible. 
