Videogiochi su Netflix: come funzioneranno e quanto costeranno

Trapelano le prime informazioni sul piano di Netflix per il gaming in streaming: ecco cosa si sa al momento, documenti ufficiali alla mano, e quando potremo giocare sulla piattaforma.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

Oltre a film, serie tv e spettacoli, Netflix ha deciso di mettere a disposizione la propria piattaforma anche per il gaming. The announcement of the upcoming introduction of video games comes directly from the company, which, with the right insights, could grab an additional slice of audience in addition to the existing one.

The interesting news was released through the official report of the Los Gatos-based company dedicated to the company's revenue for the second quarter of 2021. Although no more detailed information has been released so far on the types of games that will become part of the package offered, what is certain is that the management has seen fit to treat the category on a par with those already present as movies and TV series license plate Netflix. We will not find ourselves in front of an add-on, to be added to the canonical plans and packages that allow access to the library of content, but a section perfectly integrated and probably not devoid of connections with the shows already in the catalog.

Video games on Netflix, what's in the future?

Some signals on the choice had arrived in recent weeks, with the entry into the team of Mike Verdu, former executive of Electronic Arts, producer and distributor of video games, and Facebook, which will cover the area under the supervision of COO Greg Peters. To this, then, must be added the extension of the agreement with Shondaland, the company led by the screenwriter and television author Shonda Rhimes for the production of feature films and games.

The video games, added in the subscriptions in place without any additional cost to members, will be dedicated primarily to mobile devices. This is supported by the Netflix document that points the attention on the past experiences with the products made for Black Mirror, with the interactive episode Bandersnatch, and the playable content based on the original Stranger Things.

And this is the line that it can decide to follow, with spin-offs starting from the wide group of productions made "in house", both in terms of movies and TV series, just like it started to do with podcasts. In fact, there are several audio series, accessible through the main streaming providers (and not on the site or via app) that Netflix is dedicating to its biggest hits, offering in-depth analysis, discussions, interviews with the protagonists and much more.

Netflix video games, when and how will they arrive?

According to what is specified in the report, the expansion into the world of Netflix gaming is still in its early stages and there are currently no firm dates on when to wait to touch the final result. Similarly to what happened in other cases, the first ones who will probably have the opportunity to discover the offer could be the United States; only in the second place Italy should be included in the circle of the interested ones (together with many other European nations and the rest of the globe).

For now, the uncertainty touches also the distribution channels. The alternatives foresee the download from the various digital stores (Google Play and App Store in primis) or, why not, on ad hoc platforms similar to the one of Microsoft, xCloud, or Apple, with Apple Arcade. There's a lot to know but, surely, Netflix has a small gold mine on its side: will it be able to make the most of it?