5 great reasons to have a USB flash drive with us all the time

USB flash drives are among the technological objects in danger of extinction, but still there are several reasons why we can use them and carry them with us all the time

USB flash drives are devices that are in danger of going out of fashion, but at the moment they are still very useful and convenient. They allow us to always have our most important documents and files at hand. Here are five reasons why you should always carry a USB flash drive with you.

Let's start with an important aspect: USB flash drives are practical. They are small and can be carried almost anywhere. In addition, they cost very little. With about ten or twenty euros you can buy this portable storage solution. They are also often given as gifts during meetings or conventions. But beware, sometimes free USB flash drives are exploited by hackers who install malware inside them to spy on us or infect our computer. And remember that there are several ways to make our USB flash drive more secure.

USB Flash Drive as a briefcase

Depending on what kind of work we do, the USB flash drive can be our briefcase. Inside it we can keep all the most important documents. But this storage system is also useful for students who can avoid weighing down their backpacks by putting homework and research into the USB flash drive. The main recommendation is not to lose these devices, especially if we haven't protected them with a password, otherwise anyone could get to know some of our confidential information.

Useful for portable applications

In a USB flash drive we can not only save files and documents but also applications and work programs. There are portable versions of virtually every software. From Firefox to Office. The convenience of using a pen drive in this way is that we won't have to install a new program on each computer. Besides, we won't leave confidential information on the devices where we worked. An important aspect for privacy, especially if for work we often change locations and computers.

Improving PC performance

A USB flash drive can be connected to a computer to improve its performance. The pendrive can also work as additional memory to the fixed hard drive of our PC. On Windows devices, not surprisingly, there is an app, called ReadyBoost, which, if installed, will start automatically every time we insert a USB stick into the computer and will ask us if we want to use the device as internal memory of the PC.

Use another operating system

A USB stick can also be used to run a Mac program on a Windows computer or vice versa. And the same goes for Linux as well. That way if we are used to working with Windows 10 but we have to use a workstation that has Apple operating system, we won't have any problems. If we have previously installed Windows 10 on the USB key, we'll just have to insert it to have our favorite operating system on the Cupertino computer as well.