Ristoranti e bar: quanto e perché sono importanti le consegne a domicilio

Dopo lunghi mesi di restrizioni per il Covid-19, l’estate è arrivata e anche le riaperture: le consegne a domicilio restano però importanti. Ecco perché e come gestirle al meglio


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Finalmente dopo lunghi mesi di zone rosse e arancioni si torna con l’estate alla normalità. I ristoranti e i bar possono tornare a fare servizio al tavolo, ma non per questo possono trascurare le consegne a domicilio. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our habits, and this service has become essential.

Whether it's for loyal customers or to expand the pool of potential customers, offering a good takeout or home delivery service can make all the difference in solidifying your restaurant business' business. However, managing food delivery is not always an easy task, especially for a bar or restaurant: you'll need to organize logistics, establish the timing of deliveries, and ensure that the food arrives hot and in perfect condition. Moreover, it will be necessary to consolidate one's online presence: having a Google MyBusiness tab or a Facebook page with all the updated information about the place, from the hours to the menus and payment methods, will allow the place to beat the competition in the area and be found more easily.

Home deliveries: why they are important

The food delivery business in the last year has certainly changed and for the better. Standards have risen and customers are unlikely to give up this service. Catering businesses need to be ready, organizing their delivery logistics and building a food delivery service that ensures food and beverages are delivered according to the safety and hygiene standards required by current regulations.

In order to offer a quality service, it will be necessary to ensure not only that the food arrives on time and in optimal conditions, but also in the best form. Therefore, it will be possible to design a menu dedicated only to take-away and food delivery, choosing containers that are both resistant and suitable. Even the packaging, in this case, is important: to have envelopes with the logo and the name of the restaurant is a small attention that the customer will surely appreciate.

Home deliveries: tricks to beat the competition

To differentiate yourself from the competition, which may offer a similar service in the same area, it is not enough to offer the best quality food. Nowadays, word of mouth has become virtual and all restaurants and bars will need to build a solid online presence, as well as logistics that are well organized to facilitate orders and avoid delays in deliveries.

For this reason, you will need to keep your online presence channels up to date at all times. Whether it's a Google MyBusiness tab or a Facebook or Instagram page, the opening hours, the menu to consult and the contact details for easy ordering must never be missing.

There is also the question of communication: ordering by phone is practical and safe, but also offering the possibility of ordering via WhatsApp chat is an extra option that will surely be appreciated by customers. Finally, you will be able to give the choice to pay on delivery or use immediate online payments.

The trick to stand out from the competition is therefore not only to offer the best service, but also to communicate in a better way the services offered. A restaurant business doesn't always have the time to handle these aspects, but they can rely on industry experts who offer these services online. Among the best services is Italiaonline's InConsegna offer, designed specifically for bars and restaurants, which will help in the management of both orders and delivery.