Amazon, Prime Day could be brought forward to June

The e-commerce giant would like to involve sellers in an early summer mega-sale. It's still unclear, however, if it's a new format for Prime Day

Time for big maneuvers, in Amazon. After the Covid-19 fiasco, with orders skyrocketing and the e-commerce giant a bit 'in trouble in the management of all shipments, the company of Jeff Bezos is thinking how to "reward" sellers and buyers for the patience shown in recent months. And if in the past weeks there was talk of a possible postponement of Prime Day 2020, today the situation seems to have changed.

According to a confidential document sent by the e-commerce giant to third-party sellers who use its platform, Amazon would be thinking of making an event for early summer. At the moment it is not yet known if it is an anticipation of Prime Day 2020 (usually held in mid-July) or a sort of "appetizer" aimed not only at Amazon Prime users, but to all members of the portal. The anticipations would seem to suggest this second option, although it is not to be excluded that Amazon decides to organize a Prime Day "big", with promotions for a week (instead of two days)

Amazon, event for sellers in early summer: how it will work

According to rumors coming from the U.S., the event that Amazon is planning should kick off on June 22, with offers spread over the entire week and not just in two days. It would be, therefore, a sort of "early summer sale", which could involve not only those who are subscribed to the Prime program, but all users of the e-commerce platform.

It is not clear even what discounts will be enjoyed by users. Still according to the previews, it will be the same sellers to choose what to put on sale at a discounted price and what is the value of the discounts themselves. In short, the promotions will be "self-managed", while the role of Amazon is still to be deciphered.

When there will be Prime Day 2020

In case the "summer sale" that Amazon is organizing does not coincide with Prime Day 2020, it is likely that the annual event will not take place in mid-July, as it usually does. The dates of Prime Day 2020 could fall in the second half of August, so as not to be too close to those of Black Friday 2020, scheduled for November 27.