Assassin’s Creed diventa una serie tv Netflix: ecco tutti i dettagli

La piattaforma di streaming in collaborazione con Ubisoft lavorano a una nuova serie tv basata sul videogioco: cosa sappiamo finora


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Proprio come un salto improvviso in perfetto stile Ezio Auditore, Netflix e Ubisoft tempo fa avevano annunciato in modo inaspettato una bella notizia per tutti i fan delle serie tv e dei videogiochi: presto vedremo sulla piattaforma di streaming un nuovo contenuto dedicato ad Assassin’s Creed.

Parliamo di un franchise basato su una saga di videogame tra le più articolate e famose al mondo. Born in 2007, it has developed into several chapters, where the story has a single thread but is developed in different contexts. Among the most beautiful chapters stand out, for example, those of Venice, Florence and Paris. Assassin's Creed was born as a video game but then inspired the birth of many contents: novels, comics and even a movie starring Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender. The announcement of the streaming TV series was greeted with enormous enthusiasm. On the other hand, Netflix is not new to this kind of initiatives: it has already worked on a similar project, that of The Witcher, a TV series starring Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia and also based on the famous video game.

Assassin's Creed streaming TV series: how much of the video game will we find in the series?

A first question is definitely related to the relevance of the streaming content compared to the video game. Gamers expect a story as faithful as possible, even if it will be difficult to identify the narrative arc, extrapolate the most interesting parts and make them usable for the small screen, without forgetting the relevance to historical facts.

But what is Assassin's Creed about? It is a historical video game that tells the heated confrontation between the Order of the Templars, which wants to control all men, and the Brotherhood of the Assassins. The player manages the assassin who must overcome specific missions by moving through space using jumps, acrobatics and other movements borrowed from parkour.

One of the most important aspects is that each chapter of the saga is set in a specific historical moment and in a different place: for example, in one chapter we find ourselves in the Paris of the Industrial Revolution and in another in Florence during the Renaissance, but also in Ancient Egypt and so on. The combination of the historical element, the meticulous graphic reconstruction of the context and the possibility of piloting the adventure are the key ingredients of the recipe that led Assassin's Creed to success.

Neflix Assassin's Creed TV series: what do we know so far?

It will be a live-action series produced by Netflix in partnership with Ubisoft Film & Television, the division dedicated to content for cinema of the house of development of the video game. Creativity is being handled by Jeb Stuart, who previously worked on the Vikings spin-off. The executive producers are Jason Altman and Danielle Kreinik of Ubisoft Film & Television.

The project is still at an early stage and we won't see the first season until 2022, complicit in the pandemic that is slowing down the industry. Also, unfortunately, we do not know if all the content will be set in a single historical era will be set or if this will change with each season, in order to please as many fans as possible.

In short, there are really a lot of questions to answer and, we are sure, the answers will not be long in coming. In the meantime, those who love the genre can enjoy the TV series about The Witcher already available on Netflix.