A recent patent shows what should be the warehouses of the future for Amazon: similar to beehives and surrounded by drones
That Amazon aims strongly on aerial delivery with a fleet of autonomously guided drones is not at all new. The company of Jeff Bezos has obtained several patents in this regard and has made, in England, already some flights and test deliveries. Everything, in short, seems to be proceeding according to the roadmap established by the global e-commerce giant.
To this picture, already quite composite and complete in itself, another piece is added. A recent patent filed (and obtained) by Amazon at the USPTO offices (the U.S. patent office, to be clear) shows what should be the supply warehouse for the fleets of self-driving drones that should replace delivery trucks and vans in the near future. In questo modo, Amazon proverebbe a risolvere il problema dello stoccaggio e del rifornimento delle merci soprattutto nelle grandi città, le primaea poter (e dover usufruire) dell’innovativo sistema di consegna che la società di Jeff Bezos sta ideando.
Alveari iper-tecnologici
Fonte foto: brevetto Amazon
Il brevetto di Amazon per i magazzini del futuro
Guardando i disegni allegati con il brevetto di Amazon, si ha immediatamente l’idea di una struttura futuristica e, allo stesso tempo, essenziale. Secondo i progettisti del gigante dell’e-commerce, i magazzini del futuro saranno dei silos altissimi, caratterizzati da un elevato numero di feritoie per l’ingresso e l’uscita dei droni. In short, nothing more and nothing less than modern beehives from which Amazon intends to start deliveries in large and very large cities, where finding adequate space to contain all the goods arriving and departing could be quite complex.