Per mesi non è stato possibile usare Google Stadia su Android TV e Google TV, ma a brevissimo sarà possibile farlo: che sia la volta buona per il servizio di gaming di Big G?
Giuseppe Croce Giornalista
Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.
Anche Android TV avrà Google Stadia. Dopo 8 mesi di attesa, sarà a breve disponibile per il download per alcuni device appartenenti alla categoria, tra cui Chromecast con Google TV. This is welcome news for users of Big G's gaming service who, in the coming weeks, will be able to experience new gaming opportunities first-hand.
Despite its launch back in November 2018 and with many of the technical issues now resolved, Google Stadia seemed to be unable to find an effective solution exclusively to one major impediment: TV support. With the demise of Chromecast Ultra and the lack of presence on Mountain View's then-new device, the platform then risked suffering another abrupt setback. Eight months after the debut on the market of the last dongle in order of time, it seems then returned the serene in the sky of Big G with a final move able to satisfy at least part of its users.
Google Stadia, when it arrives on Android TV
The date to mark on the calendar for the arrival of Google Stadia is June 23, when it will finally be released for installation on Android TV compatible devices. It's better not to sing victory immediately: in fact, as anticipated, at first there will be only a handful of officially supported ones that will have the opportunity to take advantage of the online gaming system that does not require the use of a computer or a console, but only the internet connection.
Those who do not have at home one of the systems included in the list, will unfortunately have to wait for the second phase of dissemination that will embrace a wider number of smart TVs and not only. In the meantime, it's worth making an attempt by proceeding even on smart TVs and boxes that are not among the models declared by Google itself. In this case, however, once the setup is complete, you might receive a notification about any performance issues encountered while playing games.
Google Stadia, where you'll be able to install it
In addition to Chromecast with Google TV, Hisense Android smart TVs (U7G, U8G, U9G), Nvidia Shield TV and Nvidia Shield TV Pro, Onn's FHD streaming stick and UHD streaming device, Philips' Android smart TVs of the 8215, 8505, and OLED 935/805 series, and, finally, Xiaomi Mi Box 3 and Mi Box 4 appear on the list.
To play with the service you will be able to use the official controller or compatible gamepads with Bluetooth connectivity, to be connected directly to the TV.