Google Drive, arriva l’update: cosa cambia per i link condivisi

Google punta a migliorare la privacy del cloud Drive: quando arriva l'aggiornamento e cosa cambia per i link condivisi


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Il prossimo update di Google Drive potrebbe riservare una grande novità, soprattutto in fatto di link condivisi. L’aggiornamento consentirà di creare delle stringhe più sicure rispetto a quelle utilizzate in passato. Many are wondering, however, what will change for the URLs already generated: here's what you need to know.

The change anticipated by Big G will involve all Drive profiles, both of private users and connected to the collaboration tool Workspace. For the two types there will be different terms to choose to act. We're talking about a change that will improve the privacy of what is stored on the space, but without limiting the possibility of sharing between users. This happens and will continue even in the absence of an account on the Mountain View cloud, used for personal or business interests, avoiding the passage of heavy attachments via email or other tools that could lead to the spread of viruses or other computer risks. In fact, once accessible, the document remains so unless its owner decides otherwise, making the download ready for access for any platform and at any time.

Google Drive, what's the change

Once the update goes live, files shared on Drive will be able to count on a URL containing a "resource key," or a key that gives a better level of security. The feature is generated by the person who keeps the documents on their Drive, the moment the link is generated.

This is different for those who have an old URL. Those who have already visited it will be able to continue without any problems; those who have not visited it before, will not be able to do so in the future if they do not receive an updated one, in which the new credential will be integrated. Links that have never been used to files that were previously shared become obsolete and inaccessible.

Google Drive, when the update arrives

The day to mark on your calendar is September 13. Only then will the changes go into effect. However, there are two other important dates to remember: until July 23, Google Workspace administrators will have time to decide how to apply the security feature to the space reserved for their organization, opting for the application or discarding it, although Big G advises against this choice.

Basic users, differently, will perform the same operations from July 26 and until the deadline. There is only one exception to Google's rule: the one related to public documents: for these, the company would leave carte blanche to the owners.

This is not the only change of gear to the control measures to arrive in the next months. YouTube will also field a limitation on videos uploaded prior to 2017: from July 23, videos excluded from searches with uploads before the year indicated will become permanently unreachable by others, unless the owners opt out.