How to Record Skype Calls

Microsoft has added the Record Call feature to the Skype platform. Here's how it works and how to use it on our various electronic devices

Microsoft has announced that it has updated Skype to allow registered users to record various calls made. It's the first time Skype has been integrated with this feature and this means that users will finally no longer have to use third-party apps to record conversations.

The "record call" feature will be active on all Skype apps and platforms except the desktop version for Windows 10. Of course, it allows you to record not only the audio, but in case of a video call, the video as well. If it's a group call, the recording will take place with a graphic divided into different parts for each user participating in the conversation. In this way, following each individual square we can review or listen again to the most important steps of a business call or the organization of a project with other companies.

How to record the call in Skype

Before seeing how to actually record a call on Skype, it is important to remember that Microsoft saves the recording for 30 days on its cloud (OneDrive). However, users can download a copy and save it locally in MP4 format at any time during the 30 days. So that we always have it with us for the future.

To start recording a call from tablet or laptop we have to press on the + sign that appears in the pop-up menu of each call and from there select the "Start Recording" option. To record a Skype conversation from a smartphone, on the other hand, just press the button inside the call that says "Start Recording". It is important to note that as soon as someone presses the record button, all participants in the call will receive a notification that the recording has begun. To avoid legal problems at the top it will also appear with a link to Microsoft's privacy statement. Once the call is finished, the recording is automatically saved by Skype and then it will be displayed in the chat history of each user.

How to save Skype call recording

To save the recording of the Skype call made on the cell phone we just need to press and hold on the name of the call recording in the timeline and then tap the Save option that will appear in the pop-up menu. In this way the file will be saved in our memory even after the 30 days of the conversation have expired. To save the call from notebook you need to click on the "More options" menu, the three vertical dots, to the right of the recording name. Call recording is only available on the latest version of Skype 8, if we don't see the feature so let's update the Microsoft application to start recording our conversations at work or with friends.