How to Recover Unsaved or Corrupted Office Files

While we are working on a Word or Power Point document, it may happen that the computer shuts down without giving us a chance to save the file

Unluck when we use an electronic device is always around the corner. It can happen, for example, that we lose an Office document before saving it. Not everything we fail to save to the hard drive is lost forever. An unsaved document can be recovered.

A power outage, a dead battery, a power surge. The reasons why we may lose a working document before the final save are virtually endless. To avoid serious losses of your Office files, the main advice is to activate the Auto Save Mode. To do so is simple. Open an Office program and go to File (the section in the upper left corner). Now from the pop-up menu click on Options and then on Save. At this point we will open a new page and in this page we will have to look for the wording "Save automatic saving information every". Next to the item minutes, select a short time, such as 5 minutes.

Microsoft Word

If we own one of the latest versions of Microsoft Word we can be a little more comfortable. In fact, the US computer giant has included automatic saving by default in its work documents, so you can recover them every time you turn on your computer. To find the automatically saved documents we open Word and go to File. At this point we look for the Information section and enter it. After that we select the Manage document item and then click on Recover unsaved documents. This is an operation that we might need rarely and only if we were working on multiple documents. If the PC shuts down while you have a Word document open, when you restart the program it will automatically ask you whether you want to recover the document or not.

Manual Recovery

If the two techniques described above have not helped you recover your working document, you can try one last time. In fact, on Windows we can try to recover a Word document through the temporary file created automatically by the system when generating a new document. If we are not very experienced and do not have much computer knowledge, we recommend using a third-party app such as Everything Search Engine to complete this task. To retrieve the file, launch the app and search for the document by typing into the search field .doc, .docx, .asd (unsaved files), .wbk (backup files) or .tmp (temporary files). A large number of results may come up. To find the document you really need you have to put them in chronological order.
