Infltr, the iPhone photo app with 7 million filters

Images edited with Infltr can be posted directly to social networks or emailed to friends

The applications for editing your photos on the iPhone and iPad are really many. Each with its own features and functionality. For those who like to post snippets of their lives on Instagram on a daily basis, the filters on the social network may be few and far between, but there's plenty to choose from.

To make your images truly spectacular, you can rely on Infltr, a paid application available on the App Store that provides over seven million filters. But the peculiarities of Infltr don't end there: choosing between seven million filters would be really complicated and the developers of the application have created a very clever system to select the effect to give to the photo. Just double-tap on the screen and the application will apply a random filter on the photo. If you don't think the filter is right, you can change it with a simple tap on the screen.

How Infltr Works

The best feature of Infltr is definitely the amount of filters it makes available: over seven million. After all, the name is a combination of the words "infinite filters". To be able to choose which effect to apply to your images, all you have to do is launch the application, choose the photo you want to modify and press twice on the screen. A filter will be applied, chosen randomly from the seven million available in Infltr. In addition to choosing an image from the camera roll, you can take it directly from the camera inside the application and quickly edit it.

Once the image has been edited, the user can decide to post it directly to their social accounts, or alternatively send it via email or iMessage to their friends. Infltr also offers other features, including the ability to choose filters directly from the Apple Watch. The app is available on the App Store for €2.29.