Telegram: Video calls now finally possible - all info
For a long time users had to wait, much was discussed about it - and now it is finally so far: Telegram allows real video calls. We introduce the feature and give more details.
Face to face: video calls are now possible on Telegram.
In this article from about a year ago, we explained that Telegram does not offer a feature for video calls. This has since changed.Telegram: Video calls initially only for two users
In August 2020, the new feature went live for Telegram on Android and iOS.- Initially, video calls are only worked between two people. However, group calls are already in the works.
- During the video call, you can access other content thanks to picture-in-picture mode, for example, the image gallery, the browser or a chat.
- Video calls are also end-to-end encrypted. For additional security, both participants have to solve an emoji test at the beginning of a call.