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IKEA TRÅDFRI connect with Philips Hue - so it is possible

Since Philips Hue products belong rather to the expensive class of smart home products, it is not surprising that many people rather reach for the cheaper IKEA variant TRÅDFRI. The first versions did not support the smart home system from Philips. However, this changed in the summer of 2018 with firmware 1.2.0.

How to connect IKEA TRÅDFRI with Philips Hue

If you still have lamps from before the summer of 2018, you can only connect them to Hue via the TRÅDFRI gateway, because only with this device you can update the firmware of the lamp. After that, you can then connect the lamp to Philip Hue. If you have a newer lamp, skip the below first two steps:
  1. Connect your TRÅDFRI gateway and download the IKEA Smart Home app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Start the app and follow the instructions to connect the app to your gateway and lamps. The gateway will update the firmware automatically.
  3. Download and install the Philips HUE Essentials app on your smartphone.
  4. Get a floor lamp or other cable that allows you to bring the lamp closer than 30 centimeters to the HUE Bridge and hold the lamp near the bridge when it is on.
  5. Go to "Settings" > "Lamp Settings" in the app and tap the small plus here to add a new lamp.
  6. The app should show the TRÅDFRI bulb once it is found. Now your bulb is connected to the HUE Bridge.

By Blum

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