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Mac: Perform SMC reset - how to do it

SMC stands for "System Management Controller" and is a basic unit for controlling and monitoring various functions on your Mac. These include temperature control, battery control, as well as backlighting and many other processes that only run in the background.

How to perform the reset

Resetting your controller is only recommended if you notice noticeable problems with your Mac. This includes, among other things, fan control as well as faulty or failing lighting.
  1. On a Mac Pro, iMac or Mac Mini, you must first shut down the computer. Also, disconnect it from the power supply for about 15 seconds. After that, the computer can be reconnected to the power and restarted.
  2. A MacBook Pro or Air must also be shut down. Now first connect the charging cable and press the [SHIFT] + [ALT] + [CTRL] keys and the power switch at the same time. After you have released the keys simultaneously, the computer can be put back into operation.

This you should note before the reset

Before shutting down all still active programs on your computer. If your Mac hangs, hold down the power button until the computer is off. Fahren Sie ihn anschließend erneut hoch und fahren Sie in dann wieder herunter. Benutzen Sie dazu jedoch die entsprechende Funktion im Betriebssystem.

By Yuria Diblase

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