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Samsung Galaxy: camera error - what helps?

It is already known that the Samsung Galaxy series may experience a camera error. If this is the case with you, the camera can no longer be opened or you can not take photos or videos. To fix the error, there are several options.

How to fix the camera error on Samsung Galaxy smartphones

If you experience the typical camera error of the Samsung Galaxy series, you have several options to fix the error.
  1. If the error occurs, restart your smartphone. In most cases, this already solves the problem. To do this, hold down the power button for two seconds and click on the menu item "Restart".
  2. Another option is to turn off the device. Remove the battery for some time, then reinsert it and restart the smartphone.
  3. If the problem is due to faulty app data, it helps to delete them. To do this, go to the settings of your Galaxy. Then select the menu item "Applications".
  4. Seek out the camera app in the list and tap on it. In the next menu, select the item "Clear data". Gehen Sie danach auf „Cache leeren“ und auf „Stopp erzwingen“.
  5. Nachdem alle Einstellungen gelöscht wurden, können Sie die Einstellungen verlassen und erneut probieren, ob das Problem behoben wurde.
  6. Tritt der Fehler häufiger auf, kann ein größeres Problem dahinterstecken, das von einem Experten repariert werden sollte.

By Clyte

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