DSGVO for private websites - here's what you have to watch out for
The General Data Protection Regulation, or DSGVO for short, is a regulation that lays down rules on how, for example, website operators should handle personal data. This affects both public and private data processors.
What the DSGVO says for private websites
The rules of the DSGVO for private websites change regularly. For this reason, it makes sense to regularly inform yourself about which rules you must now comply with. The General Data Protection Regulation sets out all the points that describe how you are allowed to handle personal data.- It is important that you inform your website visitors about what content you want to store. This includes, for example, various connection data such as IP, browser, date and time. Also, when storing e-mail addresses for contacting you must inform the user about this.
- In the simplest case of a website, therefore, a short privacy policy is sufficient. However, if this is to be more complex, for example, to also include a contact form or a comment function, then more is needed. Every time you store data in any way, you must mention this in the privacy policy. Es gibt diverse Tools, die Ihnen bei der Zusammenstellung Ihrer Erklärung helfen.
- Auch wenn Sie bestimmte Dienste, wie Google Analytics oder Jetpack nutzen, weisen Sie unbedingt darauf hin.
- Beachten Sie zudem, dass Ihre Webseite nicht mehr als privat gilt, sobald Sie bestimmte Werbung, beispielsweise von Google, anzeigen.