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Block SMS reception on iPhone

If you receive unwanted and annoying messages from one or more people, you can block them from receiving SMS on iPhone. Not only SMS, but also phone numbers and contacts can be blocked via FaceTime. If you wish, you can also edit the blocked contacts.

How to block SMS reception on iPhone

You can confidently prevent unwanted messages by blocking SMS reception on iPhone:
  1. Open the message of the person you want to block.
  2. At the top of the conversation, tap the little info-i.
  3. Scroll down and select the "Block caller" option.
  4. The contact will not know that you have blocked him. If he (or even she) continues to send messages, they will not be delivered.
  5. The blocked contact can only leave you voicemail messages, but you will not receive a message that you have received a voicemail message.
  6. In a similar way, you block anonymous calls.

Block contacts in FaceTime

If you have FaceTime enabled, you can also block unwelcome contacts here.
  1. Open the FaceTime app.
  2. Tippen Sie auf das kleine Info-i neben dem Kontakt, den Sie sperren möchten.
  3. Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auch hier auf „Anrufer blockieren“.

By Raffo Granelli

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