HOME > Streaming > Youtube: 360 Degree Videos - The Modern Trend Explained

YouTube: 360 degree videos - the modern trend explained

YouTube is constantly evolving and already there are new innovations in video types. We explain how 360-degree videos work and why they are so popular.

In all directions: 360-degree videos allow you to see all around.

You may already be familiar with 360-degree features from other areas, such as virtual tours of real estate. Exactly this concept also exists in YouTube videos.

YouTube: 360 degrees allow full freedom

  • In 360-degree videos, you can freely change your perspective at any time. This is done with mouse or finger, depending on whether you use YouTube in the browser or on the mobile device.
  • Also 360-degree videos have a certain runtime. The content is therefore not static, which is especially noticeable in the soundscape.
  • A good, vivid example provides this 360-degree video: There you are in the forest and can look around freely for a little over a minute.
Because of the all-round view, 360-degree videos are particularly well suited to watching them multiple times. After all, there are very different things to see depending on the angle.

By Odilo Shanaa

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