HOME > Social Media > What Are Instagram Reels? We Explain The Hot Feature

What are Instagram Reels? We explain the hot feature

Instagram has been enormously successful, but has received serious competition from TikTok. The Reels feature is a clear answer to the TikTok trend, and our guide explains everything you need to know.

Successful copy? Instagram Reels work on the TikTok principle.

The Reels feature was released in the summer of 2020 and has enjoyed great popularity ever since. Those who don't know it yet can now change that.

What are Instagram Reels and how do they work?

TikTok users will get used to the Reels particularly quickly, as they follow a familiar principle:
  • Reels are short videos that can be a maximum of 15 seconds long.
  • You can find the feature in the camera menu right next to "Story".
  • You have the choice of whether you record the video completely or compose it from several clips.
  • Special effects - both acoustic and visual - are possible.
  • Afterwards, the reel can be shared in any way, such as a story or even via direct message.
With the reels, Instagram expands the functionality of a very popular aspect and tries to beat TikTok with their own weapons.

By Mini Trower

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