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Mac: Enable Developer Tools in Safari

Developer Tools are, in a real sense, advanced settings and options, but they are either still very experimental or intended only for people with a deeper understanding of the related system. Still, it can't hurt to activate the developer tools and browse them for useful features.

Mac: Enable developer tools in Safari - this is how to do it quickly

By default, developer tools are not enabled for software. This is simply because the software can be fully used without these tools and actually only developers should work with it.
  1. To enable the tools nevertheless, first start Safari on your Mac and click on the Safari entry in the top left of the ribbon.
  2. Now select "Preferences" from the menu and navigate to the "Advanced" tab, which is located on the far right of the preferences.
  3. There you will now find a checkbox at the bottom of the window labeled "Show developers in the menu bar". Check this box now.
  4. Now switch back to the ribbon and look for the "Developers" entry.
  5. Clicking the button will open all further settings for you.

Mac: Enable developer tools in Safari - what does it do?

  1. Über die Entwicklertools stehen Ihnen diverse Editoren zur Verfügung.
  2. So können Sie beispielsweise eigene Makros programmieren oder Einstellungen zu JavaScript vornehmen.
  3. Auch diverse Beschränkungen und Erweiterungen sind in den Tools anpassbar.

By Spiros

Windows 10: Set up your own IP address :: Developer Tools in Safari - how to enable the tool