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WLAN is not displayed: Windows 10

If you do not see your router's WLAN on your Windows 10 computer, you cannot connect to the Internet wirelessly. To fix the problem, make sure to check if the WLAN feature is enabled.

How to set up a WLAN connection on Windows 10

To surf the Internet without a cable, you need a WLAN connection. If you are using this on your Windows 10 computer for the first time, you must first set it up. To do this, open the computer's Info Center and click on "Networks" to view the list of all available WLAN networks. Select your WLAN network from this, enter the WLAN password of your router and confirm your entry by clicking "Next" and "Connect".

Windows 10: This helps if the WLAN is not displayed

If you encounter problems when setting up the WLAN connection because your network is not displayed, this can have several causes. First, make sure that the WLAN function is enabled on both your router and computer, and that your computer is within range of the WLAN.
  1. Also check whether flight mode is active and turn it off if necessary by tapping the "airplane icon" in the Info Center.
  2. Auch die Firewall Ihres Computers kann für die fehlende Anzeige des WLANs verantwortlich sein, wenn diese die WLAN-Nutzung blockiert.
  3. Testen Sie außerdem, ob Ihre WLAN-Treiber veraltet sind. Verbinden Sie Ihren PC dafür per LAN-Kabel mit dem Internet und suchen Sie nach Treiber-Updates.
  4. Liegt die Problemursache nicht am Computer, versuchen Sie diese durch einen Router-Neustart zu beheben.

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