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How to clean your printer

Cleaning your printer can clear clogs on the nozzles. Not only will your printer last longer, but often the color quality will benefit from cleaning.

As with all technical devices, be careful and diligent when cleaning your printer. Never put water directly on the contacts. Since tap water contains a lot of debris, clean the printer's nozzles with distilled water and a cloth that does not lint. You should dab gently with this and refrain from wiping or scraping.If there is heavy soiling under the cartridges, you can use a nozzle cleaner. In most cases, cleaning with distilled water and medical alcohol will be sufficient.

Clean the printer in just a few steps

Have a tray such as a plastic box or bowl ready, as well as hot distilled water, medical alcohol, a spoon and a lint-free cloth.
  1. Disconnect the printer from the power and remove the ink cartridges. Remove the print head completely and place it on the plastic tray.
  2. Use the spoon to drizzle the hot distilled water over the nozzles. Repeat this process. Dabei löst sich die Farbe und läuft in die Plastikbox ab.
  3. Sobald klares Wasser abläuft, können Sie den Druckkopf mit dem fusselfreien Tuch trocken tupfen.
Gegebenenfalls können Sie Ihren Druckkopf gelegentlich schwenken, damit sich die Farbe schneller löst und das Wasser besser abfließen kann.

By Curry

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