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Find Google Maps Hotels: How to go about it

With Google Maps, you can find hotels within a certain radius in just a few steps. You can either search on the map or display hotels along a specific route. The latter is very handy if you are already on the road and looking for a hotel for the night.

Find hotels with Google Maps

Google Maps offers many handy features and isn't just for navigating from point A to point B. It's also a great way to get around the city. You can use the app to search for hotels in your area, find accommodation along your travel route, or explore what's on offer at any location on the map.
  1. Open Google Maps and swipe up from the bottom.
  2. In the "Explore" menu, tap "Hotels".
  3. You will now see all hotels within the radius of your location.
  4. Drag the map to a new location, tap "Search in this area" at the top. You will now see hotels in that location.

Find hotels during a navigation

  1. Start Google Maps and tap in the search box at the top.
  2. Enter the address you want.
  3. Tap on the matching destination in the suggestion list.
  4. Select "Route".
  5. Enter the starting point, i.e. an address or your own location.
  6. Wählen Sie „Starten“.
  7. Wischen Sie von unten nach oben.
  8. Tippen Sie auf „Entlang der Route suchen“.
  9. Tippen Sie „Hotel“ in das Suchfeld und bestätigen Sie.
  10. Ihnen werden nun Hotels in der Nähe Ihrer Route angezeigt.
  11. Tippen Sie auf ein Hotel, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.
  12. Wählen Sie „Hinzufügen“, um zu dem Hotel zu navigieren.

By Catherin

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